Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chilli Dogs...and Ass Whoopins...

Well we settin round the TV, well just me, ever body else have no interest in watchin Costa Rica get they ass kicked by a bunch of real mexicans, the beaners won Mexico 2 Costa Rica 0, time to get drunk up in Esterillos Oeste. Any way threw down on some real beef hot dogs, Adam calls em chicken lips and a-holes and I says Hey Bro dis from a Cow. Aint got no Wolf Brand Chili, no problem, whoop some up real fast, little Onion, ground beef, chili mix, cayenne, BAM! We gots Chili Dogs, kick it up a notch wid some cheddar cheese, moostard, ketchup and Larry throws down a can of Baked Beans, god almighty help us, good waves tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

It was dead silence as far as passing traffic at my house during the game. Funny how loyal Costarricans are to their futbol. The whole country stops to watch. Teri
(can't get your thang to accept my comment)

Brett said...

Thanks Teri, got your comment, props to a loyal follower, luv ya...