Well today I been rollin my Mistubishi round for couple days now with a new racket goin on in da motor compartment, sound kinda lika lectric golf cart, but dis aint no eclectic golf cart, dis da mula, gasoline powered japanese machinery with beer openers on every door, any ways I digest. Roll up to my mechanic, da most powerful man in Parrita, I says, hey what up millionario? Aw Brett come on now, we is workin hard here bra. Say bro, gotta second look at my japanese tractor, hell yes. Take bout 5 minutes da sound is gone, took da belt off god dang a/c, we don't use a/c who dat? Say bra, how much I owes you, he say, hell Brett, you brang so much god dang business here don worry bout dat man. I say, well buy da boys some ting to drink den, 5 thousand colones, gracias.
Dis whole problem start when we come back from surf trip, big waves in Coralillo, I drivin down side of da mountain, pourin rain, no good brakes so I is concentratin on da road, I says say Pat, put on da god dang defroster, I caint see shit here man, she got the god dang windows all roll up on her side cuz she freezin here in da tropics, she turn on da a/c and da motor go to squeelin like a god dang lectrified golf cart.
My point is, Manuel is da best god dang mechanic around here, hear dat?