Saturday, January 30, 2010


Well Cailin had a nice little snack party last night, invites me and pops, Marc and Irlana, Jeff and Sharron, lots of cute little snacks like hummus and healthy stuff, well I brings Nachos...damn straight up good for ya...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Playa Bandera Surf Tourney...

Well thanks to Jason we gots a couple surf tourneys dat Soda Mary in charge of keepin charge of so here we goes again on dat hottest of da summa, smmack dab in da middle of January/March, well any ways we bring dat whole crew out there put on a bad ass contest...thanks to all da Soda Mary Crew...Pat, Larry, Yimmy, Lestor, Camarones, Don Ricardo, WTF...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sons bitchtes paddlin long boards...standin up!

Well, I jus had jus bouta nuf dees som bitches paddlin these bad ass long b0ards pass my ass wif dat bad ass long lonboard so I buys myself bad ass paddle board, dat som bitch don't work for shit, til finaly I gets my groove on, I gets into da wave, fuck you mo fo. Look out for dat Texan on da 11 foot stand yo ass up paddlin board...pura birra

Saturday, January 23, 2010


well, mo waves...

Well, I don't know...

Well ever body say day god dang waves looks like little chidren can count well I say day bout chest high to you haircut, well no fun out here bro, jus bout 3- 4 hours per day, dat bout it...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Altright den...Trucker Hats On bra...brake 19...

well it seem ever body up in here try and figure out what dat latest tang bra, well right bout now we try an see who got de best trucker hat, well look like me is winnin...

Found dat mofo at mas por menes close to da capital, say no mo...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pops and Lagarto all washed up...

Well some time folks always interested mo in how long I surf, when da last time you surf, did you surf today, why you goes in early (say main, some folks gots to work here) endless fucking questions so I tell you what mofo, you jus worry bout yo self and I be worry bout myself and 365 days of god dang waves...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Texan Crew back to da Mainland Mofos...

Well dem Texas Crew done head on back to da mainland you know, Tio Pelon, Colombianito, RAM Ramirez, Steve Coloches, and Ricky, well he have a hard time fittin in on down up in here, but he is good people an now part of da family, you ain't gettin out bro, well we rack up perty good 18 days of surf and party, right now i fix to hang my liver out on da back fence let dat mofo dry out little bit, jus like dat we gots waves again, thanks bros, I love ever one you mofos...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Beach Break bitches...

well...... we drive on down to East Beach cause the Baby Reef on vacation. We gots da whole crew cept fo Ricky cause paddlin done whupped his ass. He take Aleeve of abstinence. We paddles on out and dem sandbars rollin spittin out baby waves . Columbianito take off bouta head high wave figgin get shacked... dem locals callin him Lay-rard-Ham-al-tone. Next up Pelon on dat bintage (dat means old) longboard - it almost paid fo circa 1994. He bust big air in fronta baby rooster. Baby Rooster now busta move on sabado gigante, well Ram be rollin on dem rights with Lagarto tryin some SL8er tail slides. Coloches scoopin up mo waves dan china girls in da Super. Cam paddle on out by the fishin boat talk a little Indonesion dat he know day says dis fool livin harder than we is. Two potato, bottle watta....
Many thanks and besitos for Pat for da photos. All in all purty good day fo da Texas crew...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

EE-Way-PUTA Stingray Mofo

Well sometime Santa Claus figure he gonna get even with your ass cause you catchin too many god dang waves, so up on da mainland he might bring you bag of coal, etc. Well down here in CR he's laughin his ass off, brought me a god dang sting ray bite on top my foot right on Christmas Day, well Happy Birthday Baby Jesus, I start to cussin up a blue storm, and I decides I jus gone power right thru dis mofo cuz I lives like a cave man, aint gonna boil it in da watta, aint gonna clean it up an treat it like a little baby, jus gonna go to work, drank beer, ignore da problem an it will go away.

Well one week later my size 10 foot look like Shakeel Oneal on steroids and I drags my ass to da clinic on New Years da Eve, dem baby girls in da clinic trys an whoop my ass, put me on anti-bionics an says no drankin fo 5 days, well I power true dat shit, now I back mofo...