Friday, December 3, 2010

Wild Turkey 101

Well me an Vago kills dis big chicken bout enough to feed da whole town, cooks it up big pot o lard an dat mofo taste perty good...


Anonymous said...

you have an interesting way with words... it's like ebonics done in the country... where did you pick this up? you only get TNN and BET or something? o_O

Brett said...

actually it's mix of swahili, cajun, ghetto, spanish an southern drawl, cuz da boys in da hood are always hard...

Anonymous said...

Is that a big green chicken? You guys already fo some green eggs and ham. P.S. Make sure all yo BBQ's cleaned,fueled,and ready for action cuz da Grill Man is coming to town.See yall next Monday.Couzin Brucey.