Friday, February 27, 2009

Mardis Graw Yáll!!!!...Esterillos Style...

Well da Mardis Gras done pass bout a week ago and the blood alcohol level jus beginin to level out so I can blog without my hands shakin too much, das right.

To check out all the pics go to Teri's blog (a really cool blog bout Costa Rica)

Check yáll late bra, gotta go does a surf lesson make some scratch...pura vida!


Anonymous said...

Better go light on the beers, you got a major party heading your way on the 12th. Me, Reds, should probably start padding all sharp corners in preparation.

Anonymous said...

Loved the photos, next time I'll have a couple of beers before I start shooting!
Love your blog, I'm using your "bama rich" now and "bama rigged". Most people don't know what the hell I'm talking about. It's a southern thang...(no disrespect intended OBama)

Tica Macha said...

Oops! I commented under wrong post. Intended for the next post of tipsy photographer.